Legal Notice
Legal notices of the acqoparis.fr website
The Association des Merchants du Quartier Ordener-Poteau (ACQO) distributes its site (hereinafter referred to as the website www.acqoparis.fr).
This website has been developed with the aim of providing you with complete information on the ACQO association. It is a non-commercial informative site.
Director of publication: Xavier Castex
Website designer: Marie-Claude Nédan
Site Host: wix.com
The acqoparis.fr website is secured by Wix. Learn more
I - PRESENTATION OF THE SITE www.acqoparis.fr
The purpose of the www.acqoparis.fr website is to provide you with complete information on:
the association
his history
his members
his partners
its links and contacts.
II - USE OF THE SITE www.acqoparis.fr
Information content
The ACQO takes the greatest care and implements all means to distribute quality information on the website www.acqoparis.fr. However, the ACQO cannot absolutely guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all of this information. Thus, the ACQO cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from information that is misused and/or that proves to be inaccurate or incomplete.
Access to the website www.acqoparis.fr
The ACQO cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from access to its website and those of its partners, or on the contrary from the impossibility of accessing it.
The information provided on the website www.acqoparis.fr can only be used for strictly personal purposes. Any use made for commercial purposes or for any other purpose is purely and simply prohibited. In addition, the elements present on our website are protected by the Intellectual Property Code, treaties and international agreements dealing with provisions relating to the protection of copyright. Thus, any modification, representation and reproduction in whole or in part, for a use other than private, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition applies whatever the process of reproduction, representation and/or modification, and whatever the duration. In general, ACQO cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the prohibited use of the information or any other element, delivered on the website www.acqoparis. Fr.
Collection of your personal data
During your visits to the Internet www.acqoparis.fr website , the ACQO may ask you for certain information about you in order to be able to identify you, offer you access personalized. Personal data (surname, first name, address, e-mail, telephone, etc.) or non-personal data may be requested. Certain information concerning you must be communicated so that you can access the service concerned. Mandatory information is marked with an asterisk.
Use of your personal data
Subject to the personal data collected within the framework of the Dialogue Space strictly used in accordance with the functionality of this service, the nominative and indirectly nominative information collected on the website www.acqoparis.fr will only be used for communication purposes. internal.
Transmission of your personal data
The personal data concerning you collected on the website www.acqoparis.fr may be communicated to our partners in the exclusive context of the operation of the website_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ www.acqoparis.fr
These data will only be the subject of any external communications other than those provided for above to meet legal and regulatory obligations, or at the request of an administration or a judicial authority.
Exercise of your rights
In accordance with Chapter III of the GDPR, you will be able to exercise your various rights, in particular of access, rectification, erasure, opposition concerning you or as legal manager, by sending a letter to the attention of the processing managers. to ACQO, c/o MMA Xavier Castex, 135 rue Ordener, 75018 Paris or by using the contact form. We will have one month from receipt of your request to respond to you and possibly take the necessary steps, except for legitimate reasons.
Data controllers:
Xavier Castex and Marie-Claude Nédan
Terms of use of the site
By accessing the site www.acqoparis.fr, the user undertakes to comply with its conditions of use and declares to have prior Internet access, to know the rules and uses, technical capacities and performance and have all the hardware and software necessary for browsing the Internet.
The user of the site www.acqoparis.fr guarantees the Association des Commerçants du Quartier Ordener against any illicit, non-compliant and / or unauthorized use of the information accessible via the site www.acqoparis.fr.
The user of the site www.acqoparis.fr is solely responsible for the use of the information accessible via the site www.acqoparis.fr that the Association des Commerçants du Quartier Ordener reserves the right to modify at any time, in particular by updating it.
The Ordener District Merchants Association reserves the right to automatically remove or modify some of the functionalities of the www.acqoparis.fr site without notice or compensation.
The user of the site www.acqoparis.fr undertakes to respect Internet usage and the regulations in force and not to disclose illegal information via this site.
The user of the site www.acqoparis.fr is solely responsible for the identity he discloses and the information he sends.
Any use of any data made from the user's email address is deemed to have been made by himself.
The Association des Commerçants du Quartier Ordener does not in any way guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information offered by the referenced sites.
The documents made available on the site www.acqoparis.fr in PDF format are readable with Adobe Acrobat Reader: Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
The general structure, as well as in particular the texts, photos, animated or non-animated images, videos, music files and all other elements of the site www.acqoparis.fr are protected by the regulations in force in matters of Intellectual Property and the Right to picture.
Any total or partial representation of the site www.acqoparis.fr by any means whatsoever by the Internet user, without the express authorization of the Association des Commerçants du Quartier Ordener is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335. -2 and following of the Code of intellectual property. The Internet user is solely responsible for his actions.
Image rights: If you do not or no longer wish to appear on the website www.acqoparis.fr, send us a message via the CONTACT FORM duly completed, indicating the page (s) where you appear and by printing a screen so that we can clearly identify you. The same is true for children under the age of 16, of whom you would be the legal guardian.
Association Information
Association law 1901 registered on 08/27/2012 with the Paris Police Prefecture under number W751216108, the Association des Commerçants du Quartier Ordener or ACQO is domiciled at 135 rue Ordener, 75018 Paris, at MMA Xavier Castex.
Its SIRET number is 75362612600019.
As defined in its statutes, the ACQO aims to:
represent all the traders, craftsmen and service providers of the Ordener district with the administrations, local communities, consular chambers or any other administrative and economic bodies,
represent the common interests of its members and in particular contribute to the commercial dynamism of the district,
carry out joint activities and implement all the means necessary for the realization.
The Members of its Bureau are:
Xavier Castex (MMA), president
Stéphanie Lherminier (Clair de Lune), treasurer
Sarah Gaiao Rodrigues (Crédit du Nord), secretary
Marie-Claude Nédan (Châtenay-Vaucourt Consulting SAS), in charge of communication
Florent Hé (Tabac-Presse Reinitas), in charge of events